IANA Blog- April 2023
Happy April, As we all know, April 22nd is Earth Day. Of course, on Earth Day is the day that we support environmental protection. Hopefully, people don’t just wait til Earth Day to do some environmental work, especially with what’s going on with Climate change. A couple of my friends who are organizers talk to me every week about how Climate change is affecting all of us, especially in Africa. They would tell me how they were able to contact people in South Africa and how Climate change was affecting their country, especially last year, with the storms they were having during the Summer. The more I thought about it, it made me wonder how the Climate change affected Nigeria. I do remember them also telling me about massive storms that were hitting Nigeria too. They even asked me if any of my family members were affected by those storms, and from what I know, no one in my family died..or was fully affected. I even remember them telling me about how China is actually helping them p...